Up at 0830, breakfast by Anthony, and off to
Thruxton race track. A fairly long drive (an hour plus) made so
easy by yet again Anthony.
At the track, we registered (Geno's rides:
click here; Tony's rides:
click here), took in a briefing including a video and we queued
up briefly for our 3 lap instructor ride. Very nice and informative.
Next was our laps in the
Porsche Caymon where we got to ride with the instructor
alongside. Tony was in car #5 ,
and I was in car #6. Tony’s instructor seemed like a nice bloke.
When my instructor arrived in the car, my first impression was ”ah
no not a girl!” – fast forward from my relapse back to grade 5 and
hey, I was OK with it, really. Nice (car)!
Got the hang of the track in the Porsche (5 speed right hand drive),
I still tend to turn into the turns a bit
early and not accelerate fast enough out of them. My biggest problem
in all the cars was not being comfortable of where the brake pedal
was and being sure enough that if I needed it in a pinch, my foot
would be there. So little room between the pedals, each car
different from the last. The impact was as I came to a turn, instead
of coming in full and then braking, I would always release the
throttle and preplan my braking costing me a second or two as I
secured the brake. Doesn’t happen on my Zed since I know where the
pedals all are.
Next was the
Lamborghini LP640 Murciélago. Wow, 611 horsepower, 6 speed
clutchless with paddle shifters, $500,000 CDN
fast, huge brakes, I actually found them too sensitive at first with
just a slight touch braking me faster than I really wanted. On the
Campbell Cobb Segrave technical portion of the track, 3 quick turns
in succession, my instructor pointed out how easily I took the car
through the turns without any leaning of the car – at 85 mph. Not
sure if it even felt like I was going 40 mph. What a machine. Don’t
think I want one of these, it would take me 5+ minutes to get in and
out every time! Cool doors, not practical. Got it to 135MPH so I was
While I was in the Lambo, Tony was putting the
Porsche 997 Turbo
through its paces. I think I lapped him a few times.
Finally it was time for the
Formula Renault. I got the wide bodied version of the car, and
pointed out t hat
I signed up for the slender one, but was advised that there was more
room in this version for my large shoulders. Climbing in was not so
tough. Had to straighten my legs and fit them into the small well
and then slink down into almost a lying down position. Almost no
knee bend. There was no luxury here. 4 speed, the shifting done on a
small stick that seemed to be connected to a 1” plumbing pipe that
went down the right hand side behind me into the engine. This was a
motor on wheels, literally. One of the reasons I chose this as my
final car – there is no room for
instructor in a one-seater.
So of I went, alone, except for the video camera above my head, to
begin my 5 laps, with no one to remind me of the corner approaching
at the top of the rise, or you really should brake now as we are
coming to the chicane. Transmission a bit rough, steering oh so
sensitive, oh and me sitting (rather lying) down in head dress,
helmet, visor, gloves, booties, buckled in a 4 point harness where
at first I thought “not so tight, I can’t breath!”.
Started out down pit lane, then took the first few turns easy, got
used to the shifter, and I was in heaven – but – also aware that if
I got too excited, too fast, too cocky, I really could be in heaven.
And knowing that that would be hell for Lisa, I calmed down and
enjoyed the
Each turn and each lap smother and faster than the previous. I was
one with the car. And before I knew it, I got the “IN” sign, last
lap chap; and so I pushed the car as fast as I could, and I was
smooth, and it was all good. The limiter kicked in several times on
my last 2 laps so I did get this car going as fast as they were
going to allow me (limited at 140mph or 225km/h - darn). And
into pit lane I went, so excited, but my faithful photographer who
was there for all the other photo ops (Lisa), was not to be seen.
Pity. Not really, she was great.
So what was left for me was my de-brief, my grade, and a CD of the
photos. I suggested to Lisa - she was already “down” for an
instructor lap for twenty quid. Off she went, I took a few sn aps,
and buddy said stay there, film her when she returns in 1 ½ minutes.
Nope she was gone a good 3 minutes. She was so excited, so many
woo-hoos, spreading the Lisa charm that her driver said what the
hell let’s go around again. So excited she exited the car with a
grin from east to west and yelling and screaming “how cool was
that”. The others around probably thought she was a plant!
My final score 80. Tony 81. Scores are under review!!! Women tend to
mark harder.
We went for a quick pint and f&c in Lower Whallop near Nether
Whallop and other Whallops but really who cares. Except the music
playing was strange. One song was Anne Murray signing White
Christmas. Typical British pub?!?
Had a scone and clotted cream and jam for dinner. Then we went
through some of my 1000 photos and videos…